
Rensselaer Newman

Sunday 10am, 5pm
Saturday 5pm
Confession by appt.

A welcoming community of faith at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

We bring faith, arts, and culture to the RPI community, in an environment that respects and values sciences, engineering, research, and academic excellence.

Coming up


Welcome from Fr. Larry Rice, CSP

Welcome to the vibrant community of faith that serves the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute campus and neighborhood.

Through our parish, foundation, student organizations, and chaplain’s office, we provide faith, arts, and service to students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends of Rensselaer.

Our community is mostly Catholic, but our programs and opportunities are ecumenical and interfaith; everyone is welcome! Whether you’re joining us for a Sunday Mass, a musical performance, or just to enjoy our gallery and art exhibits, we hope you’ll experience our Chapel + Cultural Center and community as a warm and engaging place.

If you have any questions about us or our programs, please contact me.
